OCD Treatment

Therapy for OCD in Ridgewood, New Jersey

OCD Treatment

Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Ridgewood, New Jersey

You try to control your thoughts and behaviors, but it’s painful and difficult to suppress.

You know the thoughts don’t make sense. It’s like your brain is divided into two parts – the logical – the real you and this imposter. You’ve tried to reason with your thoughts, to tell them they aren’t real. Every day those two parts of you wage a war against each other with you caught in the crosshairs.

It all starts with an intrusive thought. It seems to come out of nowhere. You try to shake it out, keep going. You try to apply logic and reasoning, but there’s a part of you that says, “yea… but what if?…”

You know that you’ve already checked to make sure the stove was off, but what if…?

It doesn’t make sense that washing your hands three times will keep your loved ones from drowning in a lake, but what if…?

That car ran a red light and got hit. It wasn’t your fault, but what if…?

The thought becomes a cycle- playing over and over in your head. You try to fight it. You try to suppress it. The harder you try, the harder it hits back. It’s exhausting.

The only thing that quells this feeling of panic and anxiety is giving in to the desire to act upon the thoughts- a compulsion. Compulsions typically have themes:

OCD Treatment
  • Cleaning
  • Checking
  • Organizing
  • Strict routines and schedules
  • Seeking reassurance

The problem is that the compulsive behavior only provides temporary relief. You do your best to “keep it together,” to appear normal. You worry that people will begin to notice that something is off.

Friends and family members have made comments, noticing some of the odd behavior. They write it off as you being quirky. Little do they know of the nightmarish war that wages in your head. The intrusive thoughts eat you up from the inside until you feel like nothing more than a shell of a person.

It’s a vicious cycle that needs to be done and undone. You do not need to suffer in silence. There is hope for getting better. Sometimes OCD can make you feel like your mind and body are not your own. You are not alone. Treatment for OCD can help.

What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects children, teens, and adults. Symptoms of OCD can involve getting caught up in a vicious cycle of obsessive thoughts and compulsions. Obsessions are reoccurring thoughts and/or images that play out in your mind over and over again.

Compulsions are repetitive thoughts and/or behaviors that are used to counteract or cancel out the obsessive thoughts. Sometimes, compulsions include having to perform rituals and routines that don’t make sense.

OCD is often considered a life-long diagnosis, but it’s severity can range from mild to severe. When OCD is at its worst, it can be debilitating. OCD may prevent you from engaging in activities that you once enjoyed or even keep you from forging friendships and romantic relationships with others.

OCD Treatment

Common Symptoms Of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder can be downright paralyzing. Many people struggle with unwanted obsessive thoughts. These thoughts can involve phobias, such as fear of germs, fear of being contaminated, fear of getting others sick, and fear that something bad will happen. This also includes thoughts that can be scary, violent, and sexual in nature.

It’s not uncommon that people who struggle with intrusive thoughts may feel ashamed due to the thoughts or images that they endure. They often see themselves as bad people for having such thoughts in the first place. The truth is that you’re not a bad person. Your thoughts do not define who you are.

Compulsions can involve repeating actions that you just can’t seem to control. Examples of compulsions can include excessive cleaning and hand washing, repeatedly checking doors and locks, having to repeat a ritual so that nothing bad will happen, arranging and rearranging objects, and lining things up perfectly.

Sometimes compulsive behaviors aren’t that obvious on the outside. This can involve counting, reciting a prayer or mantra, or even seeking reassurance from others. The difficulty with this is that these individuals may not attribute this behavior to OCD.

OCD Treatment

Is There Treatment For OCD?

Yes! There is treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I have successfully worked with clients who are struggling just like you.

It is possible to feel relief from those unwanted thoughts and behaviors. You can finally begin to feel like you are in control of your life- start to live your life without the fear that you will be triggered and become paralyzed by your thoughts and behaviors.

While I know it is easier said than done, I am here to tell you that you can do this and you can feel better!

What Does Treatment for OCD in New Jersey Look Like?

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating OCD, there are some commonalities. Many of my clients have benefited first from developing healthy coping strategies when they begin to feel anxious. This helps them to realize that it’s okay to be anxious, that they have what it takes to overcome their anxious thoughts.

We will also work together to take back control of your life from OCD. By utilizing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), we will identify your triggers and then make a plan where we safely discuss your thoughts and behaviors without them overwhelming you or leading you to feel panic.

We will discover ways that you can reduce discomfort and begin to feel better. In fact, we will work to reduce your anxieties and minimize the importance of the thoughts and compulsions that are intruding on your life.

We will confront your thoughts and compulsions and find new ways of coping. We will go at your own pace. You’ll never feel pushed or persuaded to do anything that you’re truly not ready for. I know that it is scary, but you deserve care. So let’s get started, you’ve waited long enough!

Begin Counseling for OCD in Ridgewood, New Jersey

It all starts with a free 20-minute consultation. During this time, you’ll speak directly with me, Dr. Maria Staropoli-Hafner. I am a psychologist in Ridgewood, New Jersey, who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as OCD as well as working with those who struggle with perfectionism or trichotillomania and skin picking.

You do not have to live with the pain of OCD forever. Counseling can help you regain control. To start your counseling journey, click on the link below to schedule your free 20-minute consultation today! I look forward to speaking with you soon.