Therapy for Teens & Pre-teens

Teens often spend a lot of time thinking about their place in this world and how they fit into it. The teen years are often a confusing time where expectations of what “it’s supposed to be like” and the reality of “what it is like,” sometimes don’t quite match. This can lead to teens feeling sad, anxious, and stressed.

At Total Insight Psychotherapy Services, LLC, we can work with your pre-teen & teen to help increase their coping mechanisms and to work through their ever changing thoughts and feelings.

Some areas that we can explore are:

  • Anxiety & stress
  • Sadness & depression
  • Goal setting
  • “Over-functioning” – perfectionism, wanting to be involved in almost every activity, FOMO (fear of missing out).
  • “Under-functioning” – sleeping the day away, not participating in previous preferred activities
  • Anxiety, resistance, and/or procrastination regarding the college application process
  • Family relationships and home life
  • Navigating friendships
  • School performance